Infinite Legends of Tuen Mun

6 Story-telling Bronze Sculpture
Bronze with Colors
Location: Tuen Mun River

As its name suggests, Infinite Legends of Tuen Mun is an “infinite” collection of snippet narratives of Tuen Mun. In keeping with the artistic mission of “going from zero to infinity”, the two members of Cold Ears Factory distributed the zine in Tuen Mun and set up street booths to collect the residents’ memories, feelings and fantasies concerning the community. Drawing inspiration from the residents, the team produced a set of six bronze sculptures based on the history of the district, everyday life, and even strange or interesting stories, combined with their own wild imagination. This series of works aims at spurring the visitors’ imagination of Tuen Mun, turning the snippet narratives of Tuen Mun into legends that will be passed down in the community.

《屯門無限傳說》— 顧名思義是由「無限」個屯門小故事集結而成。藝術團隊「耳製涼房」的兩位成員本着「從零到無限」的創作宗旨,在屯門派發小報,並設街站收集街坊對社區的回憶、感受和奇想。受街坊們的啓發,「耳製涼房」以屯門的歷史、日常生活題材、甚至一些奇談趣聞為創作原點,繼而加入天馬行空的想像,製作了一組六件鑄銅雕塑。這系列的作品旨在打開觀眾對屯門的無限想像,讓這些屯門小故事可以成為街坊口耳相傳的屯門傳說。